The Cheetah Method Women's Leadership Development program helped me to reach my potential and become the clear, calm, and confident version of myself. I have recommended her program to many women in my network.

Inge Plautz, SVP Old National Bank

The Cheetah Method

The Cheetah Method is our Women's Leadership Development book and program. Our 7 Steps will help you to discover your intuitive voice, so you can find your outer assertive voice. When you do, you will be able to create the life you love, at work and home, with more inspired action and less perspired action.

Learn how to maintain your locus of control, even when others disagree or dismiss your point of view. Instead of reacting, you'll become the fearless, focused, and fabulous version of yourself, responding with open-mindedness and curiosity - instead of reacting. By leveraging increased Gut Intelligence (GQ), you'll align more closely with your vision, values, and goals, focusing on creating win-win solutions.

This is our digging deeper personal transformation course. Stay tuned for our online training program for Women Leaders, launching this Fall 2024. To ensure you get all the updates and specials, email us at: