SHIFT: 12-week Challenge Coaching Program

$ 795.00

In SHIFT: The 12-week Challenge, you will get:

1. An Online Assessment that will help you outline the following areas and give you feedback on how to improve creating the life you love, at work and home:

    • Questions to help you determine your vision, values, and goals in the eight areas of your lif.
    • An assessment to determine how your thoughts, limited beliefs, and behaviors are getting in the way of you creating what you say you want.
    • An assessment of your relating style and how you might be getting in your own way by over-giving, people pleasing, or being a perfectionist - all wasted energy because you are unconsciously are operating out of fear, self-doubt, and judgment.
    •  Feedback on what level of consciousness you are operating from and how to begin operating from intuitive alignment so your intuition can begin to guide you.
    • Instructions on how to do a vision board by tapping into your intuition for guidance so you can bring it to the coaching session for input.

2. A two-hour zoom private appointment with Susan where she will go through the results of your assessment, decode the messages from your vision board, and help you create your vision, values, goals, and action steps in the eight areas of your life. In addition, you will learn how to best utilize Susan's App called "SHIFT with Susan" with a private tour through the App and how to join the 12-week Challenge so you can achieve the SHIFT Gold Club Membership with like-minded people!




In SHIFT: The 12-week Challenge, you will get:

1. An Online Assessment that will help you outline the following areas and give you feedback on how to improve creating the life you love, at work and home:

    • Questions to help you determine your vision, values, and goals in the eight areas of your lif.
    • An assessment to determine how your thoughts, limited beliefs, and behaviors are getting in the way of you creating what you say you want.
    • An assessment of your relating style and how you might be getting in your own way by over-giving, people pleasing, or being a perfectionist - all wasted energy because you are unconsciously are operating out of fear, self-doubt, and judgment.
    •  Feedback on what level of consciousness you are operating from and how to begin operating from intuitive alignment so your intuition can begin to guide you.
    • Instructions on how to do a vision board by tapping into your intuition for guidance so you can bring it to the coaching session for input.

2. A two-hour zoom private appointment with Susan where she will go through the results of your assessment, decode the messages from your vision board, and help you create your vision, values, goals, and action steps in the eight areas of your life. In addition, you will learn how to best utilize Susan's App called "SHIFT with Susan" with a private tour through the App and how to join the 12-week Challenge so you can achieve the SHIFT Gold Club Membership with like-minded people!


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