Methodology: Gut Intelligence (GQ)

Our coaching, consulting, and training programs are designed to elevate your level of consciousness, enabling you to SHIFT and make decisions that are aligned with your vision, values, and goals. We achieve this by increasing your Gut Intelligence (GQ).

Susan trademarked the term and process of Gut Intelligence (GQ) after observing how often leaders unconsciously created crisis situations by ignoring early cues that something was out of alignment with their vision, values, and goals. In these unprecedented times, where change is the only constant, having high GQ is just as crucial as having high IQ and EQ—to avoid costly mistakes.

Increased GQ helps you respond to challenges with a clear, calm, and confident mindset, instead of reacting with fight, flight, or freeze responses driven by fear, self-doubt, and judgment. Our techniques for increasing your Gut Intelligence (GQ) help you recognize how your gut, heart, head, and intuition function as interconnected information centers, guiding you like a Board of Directors within, to keep you aligned with your vision, values, and goals.

Rather than reacting, you'll learn to bypass the reactive center of your brain, becoming strategically minded and aligned with your intuitive voice. This leads to "a-ha" moments—a heightened awareness that literally gives you chills as your gut, heart, head, and intuition all say, “YES!”

Susan’s Gut Intelligence (GQ) methodology is grounded in neuroscience, teaching you how to move out of the reactionary center of your brain and into the higher lobes where intuition, enlightenment, and innovation reside. By activating the gut-brain axis, you’ll guide unconscious neurotransmitters, neurons, and hormones up the vagus nerve for processing from a higher state of consciousness.

Our Gut Intelligence (GQ) methodology is designed to help you SHIFT your level of consciousness and elevate your leadership, ensuring you make the most effective decisions that align with your vision, values, and goals—both at work and at home.

"How might we...?"

Here's just one tip on how you can increase your Gut Intelligence (GQ):

Curiosity leads to greater Gut Intelligence (GQ), and is a technique to get you out of the reaction center of your brain. When you learn how to observe what is happening in a neutral point of view, you say to yourself, "Hmmm...isn't that interesting. I wonder what that is about for them?" This allows you to step back from your own ego and instead observe the situation from a fearlessly detached point of view, before you leap and react. Then, when you say to yourself, and those you are working with, "How might we deal with "x" so we can create "y"?" you become the leader who responds effectively to situations, keeping everyone on track with the vision, values, and goals.

This is just one technique within our Gut Intelligence (GQ) to help you achieve increased Gut Intelligence (GQ). Learning breathing techniques is another technique that will slow down your chattering mind, so you can listen to your intuitive voice within. The goal is to learn how to observe the ego and become self-aware of how your fear, self-doubt, and judgment are getting in the way of you creating the life you want, at work and home.

With increased Gut Intelligence (GQ), and greater intuitive alignment, you will learn how to trust yourself to make decisions that are in alignment with your vision, values, and goals!