Feeling Burned Out? Techniques To Proactively Improve Your Mental And Physical Health

Susan Wehrley

Susan on the expert panel for Forbes

September 16, 2019

In the age of constant connectivity and remote work capabilities, many employees find themselves increasingly overworked and overtired. When you're able—and perhaps even expected—to work 24/7, it's easy to let work take over your life and burn you out.

To prevent your career from negatively impacting your physical and mental health, it's important to be proactive in these areas and work toward a lifestyle that promotes passion and productivity. We asked a panel of Forbes Coaches Council members to share some steps professionals can take, either at work or at home, to achieve this. Here's what they had to say.


I found just five minutes of meditation per day was a complete game-changer for me. Don't take it from my anecdotal evidence though; there are countless studies that show similar effects. If you aren't into meditation, at least give it a real try for two weeks. - Brian M Harman, Business Management Hallmark

Practice The S.T.O.P. Technique 

Burnout occurs when you race around trying to get everything done on your to-do list. This occurs when you believe everything is urgent and important when it is not. By using the S.T.O.P. Technique—Slow down, Tune in within, Observe what is happening and Perceive the best possibility to utilize your time—you will feel more focused and in control. As a result, you will be less burned out.

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