In the book, The Yogi Executive, you will learn why Gut Intelligence (GQ) is as important as IQ and EQ. Inside the book, you will find the secret to quieting your chattering mind and the 7 Principles to increase your Gut Intelligence: Curiosity, Consciousness, Courage, Compassion, Connection, Collaboration and Commitment. These 7 principles will help you listen to your Inner Voice so you can make more effective decisions that align to your vision, values and goals. As part of transforming into a Yogi Executive, you will meet your ego. Your ego is that part of you that often wants to react, instead of respond to a difficult situation or person. In this book, you will learn how the Yogi Executive is grounded in "niyama" right observation and "yama" self-restraint. As a result, the Yogi Executive can be free of of the attachments of their ego, that otherwise cause stress and suffering.

The ability to quiet my mind using the techniques Susan has shown has allowed my Inner Voice to guide me in all of life's decisions. The 'knowing' is a powerful tool that leads to peace and confidence."
Jennifer J. Schiellack, PwC Tax Director